Saturday, July 15, 2006

Beautiful and Smart

Michael is planning to go to college and pursue her writing. We look forward to her first book.

Michael's smile

Here is Michael's graduation picture, with honors! We are so sorry that we didn't get to see her on this visit. She is working and getting ready for college. Good Luck Michael!

My Favorite Cook

Here is Shad, cooking for Hayley's birthday party. Getting invited to eat at his house is a great experience, not only for the delicious food, but for the wonderful company as well.

Beautiful Family

This is the best definition of happiness that I can think of. Mommy and her "Big Girl" (Annette and Hayley) with Daddy and his "Little Girl" (Shad and Kristen). The only one I didn't get a picture of is the "Young Lady" of the family - Michael, who was out of town when we visited. She is getting ready to start college this semester and is busy working to earn her way.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

San Antonio Baha'i Center

While visiting Dawn and Mo in San Antonio we were able to to attend devotions in their beautiful center and then participate in the commemoration of the Martyrdom of The Bab on July 9th. It was a very moving program followed by a delicious dinner. What a blessing to share such an occasion with so many devoted friends, a few of whom you can see in this photo.

Shawn and Kip

Shawn and Kip laugh a lot. They make us so happy just seeing them enjoy one another so much. Notice her Chirripo shirt?

Happy Bubba

One of the very best things about having children is getting to hold their children. Here is Bubba with Hayley and Kristen on our first day in Texas. Costa Rica is wonderful, but it certainly has a price in being so far away from family and moments like these.

Hayley's birthday party

Hayley is now 9. Congratulations! Shad and Annette are holding someone else's baby, but Hayley is busy watching the cake being cut her grandmother, her uncle Mike and his new wife, Donna. It was a great party with her friends and relatives getting plenty of Shad's great cooking.

Brother & Sister

This is Hanna and Torin, just chilling and enjoying each others company. Torin just had his 6th birthday and Hanna just turned two. We were so happy to see them in San Antonio where they now live. Torin is all ready to start the first grade while his daddy is starting the fourth.

Longview visit

Grandma, Shad, Hayley and Kristen in Kip's pool


San Antonio

Moshue and Hanna

More San Antonio

Here's our trip to San Antonio - Mo got his first teaching job, teaching fourth grade! Hooray Mo! Dick got his first adult buzz haircut from Mo - it looks pretty good!